

Percentage of Persons Who Are Physically Active (Archives, 2001-2008)

Summary: Persons who are physically active

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This database contains data on the percentage of persons who are physically active.  NA indicated data are not available; in some cases, this is due to the state's failure to collect data.  National Average showing NA indicate that the average could not be calculated because all states did not ask the physical activity questions. Data have been adjusted for non-responses, and weighted to provide state and overall estimates.

The categories "Recommended," "Insufficient," and "Inactive" comprise one measure, with responses adding to 100 percent.  The category "No Leisure-Time Physical Activity" is a separate question, and should not be included with calculations for the recommended, insufficient, or inactive. See detailed background.


Note: The CDC expects to publish a more detailed data file in late summer 2016.  We will update as soon as that file is available.

Geographic Coverage: States

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 2001 - 2008

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2013, May 31). Percentage of Persons Who Are Physically Active (Archives, 2001-2008).,-2001-2008).html
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Derived From: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Updated:  May 31, 2013 Next update: None

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