

Average Industry Wages (Archives, 1997-2000)

Summary: Average wages for up to 1,400 industries based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

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This historical data is archived.  For current data, see Related Databases.


This database contains average wages for up to 1,400 industries based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), industry sector, and ownership (i.e., private or public sector, including local, state, and federal government.). Industry wages reflect the average paid to all industry employees regardless of occupation. 

Geographic Coverage: U.S., States, Counties

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1997/2000

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2013, April 3). Average Industry Wages (Archives, 1997-2000).
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Derived From: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Updated:  Apr. 03, 2013 Next update: None

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 Transportation and Public Utilities
 Wholesale Trade
 Retail Trade
 Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
 All sectors

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